February 28 at 3:43am
[Day 0] Keto Nord wants to know how I can assist your company. Ask me more & I'll tell you.
February 28 at 10:00pm
Keto Nord My son asked me "What kind of job are you looking for?" "The paying kind" I said. Ha-ha-ha
March 2 at 10:55am
[Day 1] Keto Nord is updating my Monster.com account & looking for a job on the Internets, you know that thing that's like a truck w/tubes. Haven't done this in 3 yrs.
March 3 at 8:36pm
[Day 2] Keto Nord reviewing my girls' homework & spelling words.
March 4 at 12:06pm
Keto Nord Day 3 of "The Search", anyone know where I can find a "P I M P" job, cuz my profile pic is just pimpin' pimpin'!
March 5 at 1:08pm
Keto Nord Day 4: I'm taking my wife to lunch during her work day for the first time! Normally I work in Tampa & she's in Lakeland/Winter Haven.
March 5 at 1:12pm
Keto Nord has telephone interview for IT position today or Friday! Pray I impress b/c job right down street w/major corp & great salary/benefits!
March 5 at 2:49pm
Keto Nord just finished updating my LinkedIn profile. Too bad LI only allows 1,000 chars in Position Description field.
March 6 at 1:42pm
Keto Nord Day 5: going to Tampa Bay Job Fair, Quorum Hotel, 700 N. WShore Blvd, Tampa, http://tampa.jobnewsusa.com/JobSeeker/JobFairs/FairDetails.aspx?id=262
March 6 at 10:28pm
Keto Nord wife on ladies cruise; taking children to mall to hang out!
March 9 at 5:23pm
Keto Nord Day 6 of Job Search: Provided references for 2nd round of interviews. Got my tax refund 2day; IRS deducted my 07 tax liability--bastards!
March 9 at 5:37pm
Keto Nord First things after recvng tax refund: dancing in the streets, brkfst w Shirre @ IHOP, $32.50 for 16 gal gas, shopping & interior deco to follow.
March 10 at 12:59am
[Day 7] Keto Nord doing an ad run for TheListbyKeto: TB Performing Arts Ctr, Etudes for Violin & Electronix ft DBR, 3/12/09, http://www.tbpac.org/shows/show.asp?showId=2163
March 10 at 2:54am
Keto Nord Started Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man by Steve Harvey w/my wife. A must read for you ladies who THINK you know men but rely on WOMEN'S advice about men.
March 10 at 3:08pm
Keto Nord doing laundry & putting together an ad for Wide aWoke Wed: Why Should I Get Married (Pt 2), 3/18/09 7:30, http://WideaWoke.com
March 11 at 1:37am
Keto Nord Day 8: Put up a disco ball in Lanay & Jada's room to match the new decor, Reuben doesn't do disco balls, so I didn't go there.
March 11 at 2:23pm
Keto Nord Day 8: Sending out more resumes to networking contacts. Now let's see the network work!
March 12 at 11:02am
Keto Nord Day 9: Helping Lanay finish part of her science project to turn in today. We're growing strawberry plants that we bought yesterday
UPDATED March 15-March 20 (Day 10-15):
March 13 at 10:18am
Keto Nord enjoyed last night's Etudes 4 Violin & Electronix Concert w/DBR at TBPAC last night! The event sold out in part due to TheListbyKeto e-marketing!
March 13 at 10:20am
Keto Nord Day 10: Got recruited for a job as Learning Technology Consultant for IT firm. Submitting my resume this morn. Wish me well!
March 13 at 11:40am
Keto Nord is learning how to be an open networker w/ http://www.Toplinked.com by suggestion of friend on LinkedIn.
March 13 at 12:56pm
Keto Nord Job Terms: "Overqualified"--you've got the skills & job experience we want, but we saw your MBA & we don't think we can pay you & keep you happy.
March 14 at 6:48pm
[Day 10 cont'd] Keto Nord Signed up to be a Standardized Patient for USF Medical Clinic. Should be an interesting process as I participate in medical studies.
March 16 at 12:47pm
Keto Nord Day 11: Should hear back by Friday on my interview for Learning Tech Consultant role. Continuing my resume sendouts & networking w/friends this morning.
March 16 at 12:52pm
Keto Nord sending out a presser for WaW 3/18/09: Why Should I Get Married Part 2 | USF Alumni Center-Traditions Hall | 4202 E. Fowler Ave | 7:30pm, http://WideaWoke.com
March 16 at 4:45pm
Keto Nord is gifting pair tix - advance screening of "I Love You, Man", 3/18 7:30pm, AMC WShore 14. Must be member of TheListbyKeto (e-mail keto_nord@yahoo.com to join)!
March 16 at 9:37pm
Keto Nord Took BeBe & Jada to optician's to get 1st pair of glasses today. Ah deja vu!
March 17 at 1:00pm
Keto Nord Day 12: Got a call this morn from IT recruiter. Preparing now for 3pm interview w/HR Recruiting Mgr. My girls will be arriving from school by that time.
March 17 at 5:55pm
Keto Nord Going to my Homeowner's Assoc, Architectural Review Committee mtg tonight. Infiltrate from the inside, instead of throwing rocks from the outside. Hahahahaha!
March 18 at 1:55am
[Day 13] Keto Nord Finished a 350-question ASSESS Personality Survey in 30 minutes while eating an apple.
March 18 at 11:09am
Keto Nord Day 13: Insurance co recruited me. I'll say NO if they ask me re sales job. When I was a kid I couldn't even sell $1 bars of candy. My Mom did it for me.
March 18 at 6:59pm
Keto Nord C.A.M. in Tampa w/girls wiring money to family in Haiti for school! No such thing as free school back home.
March 18 at 8:14pm
Keto Nord Took girls 2 Grandmas house, CAM, TriCon, Hlsbrgh farmers mkt & Tamikos optical. Picking up Reuben fr M/W bball practice.
March 19 11:15am
Keto Nord Day 14: Have a 2-hr interview today. Not bad since some IT interviews/walk-throughs last for 5-7 hours. Definitely got to bring the A+ game & demo my skills.
March 20 12:53am
Keto Nord Bought sunflowers for Shirre today. Roses, tulips, carnations, sunfl & lillies r wkly tradition I started while we were dating.
March 20 2:50am
[Day 15] Keto Nord Finished 2 hrs testing=success! Will have final walk thru (c. 5hrs) & lunch w IT dept next wk!
March 20 6:35pm
Keto Nord Day 15: Studying for next week by reading business case studies on transportation, packaging & warehousing for third party logistics company.
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