Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why is Twitter Necessary & If So Is It Worth It?

Yes, Twitter and the process of setting up your personal Twitter page is totally worth it. (Tweet me @KetoNH and I'll tell you why). Think of it like this, technologically, using Twitter or tweeting is exactly like texting potentially hundreds to thousands of friends on your cell phone except the tweets (text messages) are routed through your personal web page and are presented in chronological order to anyone in your personal network.

If you are a marketer, news maker, or blogger (especially if you are a professional blogger like Darren Rowse), then Twitter is great because you can post marketing or P/R hooks and tons of people can be informed in real time of whatever product, service or event you want them to know about. Many people didn't think it was such a great idea when marketers started using text messaging to send coupons, discounts, and marketing messages to people's cell phones, but you know what it's a big business NOW (just ask the Obama campaign), and Twitter offers the same type of benefits with potentially wider reach to your audience. If you have a company, TV show, newsletter, comedy show, product, etc. as many of my friends have, then it's a great marketing tool for promoting yourself or your ventures. As an electronic marketer, I use Twitter as another avenue or medium for marketing events for my advertisers through TheListbyKeto.

1 comment:

Motown Pride said...

Thanks for this. I was just wondering why I should get my "twitter" on. I appreciate the explanation, cuz!

- Daniel "Motown Pride"