Monday, November 24, 2008

Iraq Dares to Build a Subway (Not the Sandwich)

There are not enough words to express the funny, freaking, fantastic awesomeness of the government of Iraq and the republic for which it stands. The Iraqi's in a gesture of hope and "Hey we've got to spend some of that $70 billion budget surplus" have decided to defy death and good common sense by building a subway system in Baghdad. Well, I admire their capitalistic flair, but dang what could possibly go wrong with this picture?

Hmmm, maybe the fact that Iraq is still in the midst of a "just because we can" civil war between the Sunni and Shiite tribes or maybe because Al Qaeda in Mesotopotamia will never really go away, it might just be a good idea to build 11- and 13-mile underground deathtraps where hundreds to thousands of innocent Iraqis can congregate in a single place with no exits where they all might be blown to bits by suicide bombers or train bombs. I say, stick to spending that surplus by building more ferris wheels and other such amusements or better yet by providing every adult Baghdadian with the latest in bullet proof jackets.

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