Friday, February 6, 2009

Limit Salaries at All Banks Taking Taxpayer Dollars Campaign

I received a online petition request signed this petition online from this morning & wrote the following note to accompany the MoveOn script.
Wall Street banks distributed $18.4 billion in year-end bonuses in 2008. $18.4 billion to the people who crippled our economy with their recklessness and greed and then took $700 billion of our money.

President Obama took an important first step, limiting pay at companies taking bailouts going forward. But Congress is considering going even further.

Congress can apply the limits retroactively, and might even take back some of the most extravagant bonuses at firms that take taxpayer money. A huge public outcry will put them over the edge.

A compiled petition with your individual comment will be presented to your senators and representative.

Dear Florida Congressman,

As a hard-working, tax-paying professional, I was outraged to see on the news last week that bailed out companies rewarded their management failures by doling out over $18 billion in bonuses (over and beyond their salary). I don't begrudge anyone bonuses-except when they run their companies into the ground, beg the government, and by extension us, the taxpayers to save them from themselves, and then celebrate at our expense. Please do what we sent you to Congress to do and stop this madness. Sincerely, Kéto N. Hodges/Tampa, FL

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