Saturday, January 31, 2009

So...Where Has All the Money Gone?

This week there was a modern day horror story regarding the state of Florida's educational budget shortcomings. Apparently, during each of 7 periods, students in a central Florida High School are sent to the gym in groups of 200 because the principal does not have money to pay substitute teacher due to budget shortfall ordered by the GOP-run State Legislature. But should this really be a shock to us? No! it's what happens when Republicans run Florida gov for 8-12 years. As Obama said, "Instead of prosperity trickling down, pain has trickled up." In this case from state to county to city, so forth.

Florida's Republican rulers spend money on every thing else & hand out tax cuts like candy, and oh wow, now Florida is $2.3 billion short for education, mental health, and other critical infrastructure needs in Florida. And of course, of course, like good Republicans the first things that have been cut from the budget are education and healthcare. I guess no one else's education or healthcare matter when your family is already taken care of. My wife works in mental health management and tells me that hiring is abyssmal across the industry and budgets for care and reimbursement for clients have been dramatically cut. So the people who need assistance the most are now on their own. In her case, she has gone from a case-load of 60 clients to 30 clients.

It all boils down to something that the GOP has never understood. When you're always cutting taxes, the money you were SUPPOSED to allocate in the budget for critical projects and day to day operations HAS to come from somewhere! If you don't replace that money (especially during times of budget crunch), you have a shortfall or deficit. It's the same idea with federal government just on a more massive scale. Which of course is why when Democrats are President, we have growth, job creation, balanced budget & sometimes surplus (See Bill Clinton vs. George H. W. Bush & George W. Bush). When Republicans are President, we run a national deficit like no one's business. Look at your history and tell me if I'm wrong.

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