This news comes at a most inopportune time when Palin has been trying to claim that she and John McCain relate better to the everyday struggles of "Joe Six-Pack" than do Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Of course, the U.S. is also in an economic recession in which the stock market has crashed numerous times devaluing the investments & 401-K's of regular folks and hundreds of thousands of hard working Americans are being laid off. What poor taste! But then again, I never said the GOP politicians had any common sense. Of course, this would be the same party that mocked Senator John Edwards for getting $400 haircuts on his campaign dime.
The pre-makeover Palin family in December, 2006.
Palin sporting a Valentino jacket at the RNC that reportedly cost $2,500.
The post-makeover Palin family following Sarah's speech.
At the RNC on September 4th.
Palin's shoes on September 10th.
7-year-old Piper carries a Louis Vuitton bag on September 11th. (Methinks, why is a 7-year-old carrying an LV?)
Palin at the vice presidential debate October 2nd.
At the airport on October 16th.
Waving to supporters on October 20th.
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