Monday, March 24, 2008

The White Preacher Double Standard

Friends, Let's use that college critical thinking ability for a moment, and examine the following scenario: A Black minister of a major Chicago church stands up in his pulpit and denounces America for it's racist past against Blacks and other non-whites on whose back this country has been built (Ummm, see notes on Native Americans, Chinese immigrants, Mexican workers, etc.), and states that God is judging America for oppressing the people here. This minister is roundly condemned by the media, political opportunists & conservatives. NOW, let's consider that a good number of the world's most famous, White, Conservative televangelists have made highly similar statements--i.e., "God is judging the US for homosexuality, abortion, etc." but this gets absolutely no media play even though we see these evangelists on TV daily. So what are we SUPPOSED to think when Rod Parsley and other white televangelists blow their stack?
As the article so aptly states,

all of these white preachers have said and done the most outlandish and offensive things you can imagine - and hardly a peep. If the disparity in coverage isn't racist, then what is it?

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