Ma travelled to Haiti, leaving Tampa International Airport on an 11:00am American Airlines flight. Friends on the ground in Haiti confirm that she arrived in Port-au-Prince at 3:40pm and expected to be picked up by a pastor, long-time family friend and host for her 50-something missions trip by 5:30pm. The earthquake hit Port-au-Prince at 4:53pm. Based on past experience it takes approximately 1.5 hours on a good day to get through customs where officials search luggage thoroughly, inspect and stamp passports & gather visitor itineraries, and then travellers pick up their luggage at the baggage carousel. So we assume she was still in the airport terminal at the time of the earthquake. Unfortunately, our Pastor friend hasn't spoken with anyone via cell phone in the States since Monday, and we don't know if he was able to get to the airport or if he did, if he was able to transport Ma to his house in a more northern city which is out of the earthquake zone. Travel through Port-au-Prince would have been extremely difficult with debris from collapsed houses and buildings forming roadblocks and casualties in the streets. We don't believe she is still in the airport, however, because many American travellers were stranded at the airport waiting for transportation, and it seems Ma would have approached anyone who had a cell phone to call friends or family in the States.
While watching commentary on CNN, I saw the information on the newscrawl referring to the U.S. State Department 888-407-4747 phone number for those searching for American citizens in Haiti. It took me until Wednesday afternoon to finally get through the phone number as I kept getting kicked off the line between 30 seconds and 1 minute, 45 seconds. I gave the clerk on the other end all the most recent information I had on Ma, and they promised to forward the information to US employees in Haiti and relief workers who would contact me by phone once they located Ma. It's now Thursday morning, and we still haven't heard anything yet which is understandable considering there are over 40,000 Americans living in Haiti.
Ma, despite her advanced age has survived hurricanes, coups, motorcycle accidents, obstinate horses, food poisoning, Dengue Fever (which doesn't kill you but makes you wish you were dead), death threats from witch doctors & more in Haiti. She is a fighter and survivor, and has survived in difficult circumstances that would discourage-if not kill-most people. We believe God will keep her safe.
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Keto--I'm praying for you and yours and the safe return of your mother. All the best, man.
Keto--you do not know me personally but I sure have heard alot about you. I am friends with Mrs. Ruth. My name is Misty and my husband helped her a couple of years ago when she was broken down on the side of the rode and she has been a part of our life ever since. After all, no one can meet your Ma and not fall in love with her. She came to the hospital to set with my family and I when my grandmother was sick. The last time I saw her we went and picked her up and took her to a prayer meeting with us. Oh, we also went to the beauty shop. I spoke to her just a couple of weeks ago and she was bragging on your new baby =). I have tried to call her several times since the quake and got no answer. I have been praying that she was staying with friends. I had my son search anything he could on her because I have just had a bad feeling and this is how we came upon your blog. I want you to know that we are praying for her and your family. Please, please, please keep me updated. my email is Thanks, so much. Misty
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