Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Senate Passes Stimulus Bill of 2009

The United States Senate passed the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act more commonly known as the Stimulus Bill of 2009. The bill passed by the necessary two-thirds vote of 61 votes-36 votes with 3 moderate Republicans, Susan Collins (R-ME), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Arlen Specter (R-PA) joining Democrats in a highly partisan vote. Monday evening one Republican Senator, Jon Cornyn who did not show up to vote on the preliminary cloture vote which apparently is like a test vote. Obama's Commerce Secretary nominee, Senator Judd Gregg recused himself from the vote, which was a smart move on his behalf. Talk about priorities. There is still more work to do as the Senate and House of Representatives must conference to work out final compromises to reconcile both versions of the bill which are separated by several billion dollars and a number of differing proposals on education, aid to states, first-time homebuyers' tax credit, etc.

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